Atam Ras Kirtan

Atam Ras Kirtan

Atam Ras Kirtan is a talented and popular kirtan group that is known for their soulful and uplifting music. Their beautiful renditions of classic Gurbani shabads have earned them a dedicated following around the world. Their album features a selection of shabads that are sure to touch the hearts of listeners. "Shubh Karman Te Kabo Na Taro" is a beautiful reminder of the importance of doing good deeds, while "Khoob Teri Pagri" celebrates the glory of the turban. "Sat Sangat Mila Rehia Madho" is a heartfelt plea to always stay in the company of the holy, while "Naam Amrit Pivoh" reminds us of the power of the Divine Name. "Main Undhley Ki Tek Tera Naam" is a stirring call to remember the Name of the Lord, even in the midst of life's challenges. "Mera Kar Bania" is a joyful celebration of the Sikh way of life and the blessings of Waheguru. The group's mainstream style of kirtan makes their music accessible to a wide audience, while their devotion to Gurbani ensures that the essence of the shabads is not lost. Atam Ras Kirtan's dedication to the art of kirtan is evident in every note they sing, and their music is sure to inspire and uplift all who listen.
Popular Tracks
Shubh Karman Te Kabo Na Taro
Atam Ras Kirtan - Atam Ras Kirtan
Sabh Gobind Hai
Atam Ras Kirtan - Atam Ras Kirtan
Sun Sun Naam Tumhara Pritam
Atam Ras Kirtan - Atam Ras Kirtan
Raj Karega Khalsa
Atam Ras Kirtan - Atam Ras Kirtan
Sat Sangat Mila Rehia Madho
Atam Ras Kirtan - Atam Ras Kirtan
Jan Nanak dhoor Mangey
Atam Ras Kirtan - Atam Ras Kirtan
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