Hari Nam Singh Khalsa

Hari Nam Singh Khalsa

Bhai Hari Nam Singh Khalsa began his Dharmic path over 30 years ago. He is host/producer of "Insight Into Sikhism" which has been on the air for over 10 years. “Insight into Sikhism” features host Hari Nam Singh Khalsa, a world-renowned Spiritual Leader, Healer and master teacher of Kundalini Yoga, who reaches a vast audience through his national television programs aired on CTS and S-Vox television, OMNI and available by Satellite across Canada. Author of “Wisdom Shared” and "Aquarian Consciousness: 2013 & Beyond", Hari Nam Singh Khalsa is acknowledged as an inter-faith activist and prominent leader in the Sikh religious community. He is a mentor who uplifts the truth, well-being and natural essence of all people, to awaken the spirit to the light of God. Hari Nam Singh Khalsa lives his mission, teaching individuals to expand beyond their self-imposed limitations, touching their hearts and helping people realize their own infinite consciousness. An inspirational spiritual teacher, his messages are shared on more than 25 DVD’s and Guided Meditation CD’s, along with radio, TV, Web and live audiences throughout the world. Each week, host Hari Nam Singh Khalsa explains aspects of the Sikh religion and its relevance to modern day issues. Insight into Sikhism introduces the core principles of Sikhism in a simple and basic format in English for everyone to understand. For more information or to arrange a trip/program/workshop in your hometown please visit www.insightintosikhism.com Bhai Sahib also teaches a weekly Kundalini class. Visit www.kundalinicanada.com for more information.
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Hari Nam Singh Khalsa
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Hari Nam Singh Khalsa
Relationship to SGGS Ji & Shabad Guru
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