Sangeet Kaur & Harjinder Singh Gill

Sangeet Kaur & Harjinder Singh Gill

Sangeet Kaur discovered her singing voice at the age of 8, and studied music performance at the University of Toronto. After several years of singing with Canada’s first professional chamber choir she became a longtime student/teacher of Yogi Bhajan, having joined the Guru Ram Das Ashram in Toronto in 1978. Sangeet Kaur is well-known as an accomplished singer and recording artist, having produced a number of recordings of Sikh Gurbani Kirtan that are now regarded as “classics.” Over the decades she has received countless letters and testimonials of gratitude, especially for the healing experiences people have received from her recording of Dhan Dhan Ram Das Guru. She retired in 2016 from her professional career as a Speech Language Pathologist for children at public schools in northern New Mexico, USA. She serves tirelessly in her local Sikh community, in her home studio, and via the internet -- mentoring others to find their own true voices, in their musicianship, and in their performance of sacred and inspiring music.
Popular Tracks
Wahe Guru
Sangeet Kaur & Harjinder Singh Gill - Sabh Gobind Hay
Naam Niranjan Neer Narayan
Sangeet Kaur & Harjinder Singh Gill - Hymns Of Guru Arjan
The Mul Mantra
Sangeet Kaur & Harjinder Singh Gill - Raga Sadhana Vol 2
Rakhay Rakhanhaar
Sangeet Kaur & Harjinder Singh Gill - Raga Sadhana Vol 2
Wahe Guru Wahe Gio
Sangeet Kaur & Harjinder Singh Gill - Raga Sadhana Vol 2
Waah Yantee Kar Yantee
Sangeet Kaur & Harjinder Singh Gill - Raga Sadhana Vol 2
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