Hari Bhajan Kaur Khalsa

Hari Bhajan Kaur Khalsa

I have been singing my whole life. My mother used to comment on the cuteness of a child who couldn't speak, yet was singing. I remember playing my first shabad at age five. Shabads are an enlightened style of songs or teachings that come from the Sikh sacred scriptures called the Siri Guru Granth Sahib ji. At an early age, I began singing Gurbani Kirtan. Born in Mexico, we moved to the United States of America a year and a half later, and then at age eight, I continued growing up attending a boarding school in India, called Miri Piri Academy. There I learned discipline and Kundalini yoga along with the history of my life path, Sikhi or Sikh Dharma. In my senior years of high school, I took a keen interest in an ancient Indian classical style of music, called Raag. After graduation, I returned to immerse myself and train with a Raag master, Ustadji Narinder Singh Sandhu, as well as teach about the Sikh path and Gurbani Kirtan to the youngest grades of MPA. There's nothing like teaching tiny, intelligent, pure, and yet mischievous children. I loved it!! This ancient musical style can be heard in my music. What ends up coming through is a blend of east and west styles. I mostly sing the hymns or shabads, written by saints and divine Sikh masters of the past. I've been blessed to sing Gurbani Kirtan all over India, Malaysia, Mexico, USA, and Canada. And I plan to continue to travel around the world, sharing this devotional music and touch the hearts of those who need it. Music is the deepest fulfillment in my life. There are no words for my love of music and singing, especially shabads. It's 'my thing' in the highest sense.
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Hari Bhajan Kaur Khalsa - Divine Woman
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Too Mera Pita
Hari Bhajan Kaur Khalsa - 2010 New Years Eve Gurdwara
Sabh Gobind Hai
Hari Bhajan Kaur Khalsa
Keeta Loreeay Kum
Hari Bhajan Kaur Khalsa - Summer Solstice 2010
Hari Bhajan Kaur Khalsa
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